Nursing Home Compare

“Nursing Home Compare has detailed information about every Medicare and Medicaid-certified nursing home in the country.” The search tool located nursing homes in a specific location and compares their staffing and quality of care.

Guide to Choosing Care

This official government booklet explains how to find and compare nursing homes and other long-term services and supports. It also includes information on how to pay for nursing home care, your rights as a nursing home resident, and lists alternatives to nursing home care.

The Nursing Home Checklist

“Take a copy of the Nursing Home Checklist when you visit to ask questions about resident life, nursing home living spaces, staff, residents’ rooms, hallways, stairs, lounges, bathrooms, menus and food, activities, safety, and care.”

Genworth Cost of Care Survey 2018

“For 15 years, Genworth has developed the Cost of Care Survey to help families understand the costs of varying types of care across the U.S. Since 2004, the Cost of Care survey has become the foundation for long term care planning.”

This official government booklet explains how to find and compare nursing homes and other long-term services and supports. It also includes information on how to pay for nursing home care, your rights as a nursing home resident, and lists alternatives to nursing home care.

U.S. News & World Report Ratings: Best Nursing Homes in Richmond Va

See which nursing homes,in the Richmond area, are the best according to US News and World Report: