When applying for Medicaid’s long-term care coverage, in addition to the strict income and asset limits, you must demonstrate that you need a level care typically provided in a nursing home.  

When the SSA closed its offices at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it failed to provide practical ways for the elderly and people with disabilities to demonstrate their eligibility or challenge its decisions, according to a class-action lawsuit.

Rising inflation due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic means that in 2022, Social Security benefits will go up 5.9 percent, the sharpest upsurge since 1983. 

While it is preferable to conduct long-term care planning well in advance of needing care, if you haven’t planned ahead, there are some strategies available to avoid spending all your assets. 

Individuals who are researching nursing homes can now see staff and resident vaccination rates along with other quality and safety measure information at Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare website.  The official Medicare website includes a nursing home rating system. Nursing Home Compare…

The Social Security trustees are projecting that the Social Security trust fund will be depleted in 2033 — one year earlier than the previous estimates. Once the fund is depleted, Social Security benefits will be reduced unless Congress takes action. 

Every year during Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, which runs from October 15 to December 7, Medicare gives beneficiaries a window of opportunity to shop around and determine if their current Medicare plan is still the best one for them. 

The Biden administration is calling on Congress to pass proposals to lower prescription drug prices, including allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug companies and capping out-of-pocket spending by Medicare beneficiaries. 

All older Americans are vulnerable to financial abuse, but there are certain circumstances that make someone more likely to be scammed. An online survey can help older adults assess their risk of being exploited based on how they make financial decisions. 

As COVID-19 cases start to rise again due to the highly contagious Delta variant, nursing homes are considering requiring staff members to be vaccinated. Only 59 percent of nursing home staff are partially or fully vaccinated nationwide, and the percentages are much lower in some states.

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