The period following the death of a loved one can be an emotional time. Dealing with death and receiving an inheritance brings mixed emotions. The loss of a loved one is distressing, and while added funds can bring relief, it can be hard to think and plan objectively. After receiving an inheritance, some people blow…

If you are age 65 or older and living in the United States, you are part of a large and growing population segment. According to the 2020 Census, one in six Americans are over 65. In fact, the number of Americans over 65 grew nearly five times faster than the total population between 1920 and…

If you are approaching retirement, you may worry about paying for medical expenses once you leave the workforce. The good news is the United States has a health insurance program for individuals 65 and older. The program is called Medicare. Read on to learn more about it. What Is Medicare? Medicare is a federal health…

We are living through what’s been called the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history. Tens of trillions of dollars are set to change hands between older and younger Americans over the next 20 years. More and more elders are choosing to pass on their wealth to heirs while they’re still alive. The growing popularity of…

Estate planning involves creating a plan for where – and to whom – your assets will go upon your death. The process can include making a will, designating which of your loved ones should receive your retirement accounts and life insurance policies, and minimizing estate taxes. Overall, an estate plan helps ensure that you can…

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